A bit of a long episode mostly about the intricacies of interpersonal dynamics in Series 8 of Doctor Who (so far). Some really disturbing stuff is lurking under the surface here, and frankly this episode might be tough to listen to for people who may be triggered by bad relationships. That said, there's a lot of fun stuff in this episode, and probably the only Doctor Who podcast ever to reference both Nabokov and queer porn icon Courtney Trouble. 

Main Topic: "The Caretaker." Feeling right in the moment. Yay nerds! Creep factor number one. A behind the scenes look. "Didn't we already do this?" Undercover. Gareth Roberts. Otherness. The trouble with having trouble fitting in. Soldiers and PE Teachers. Moffat canon won't sink in. The Eleventh Doctor was not a geek. "Nabokovian." Father figures in Doctor Who. Sexism. Danny is a patriarchal view of masculinity. The (lack of) agency of Clara. Communication and consent in relationships. "Danny Penis." The Overbearing Doctor. The non-Dalek Dalek. Gymnastics. The Doctor endagers children. Emotionally damaged characters and Clara as an addict. Consequences. Daniel's excited to see the Moon in Doctor Who again. Talking about Courtney. And her parents. Daniel's trying to be optimistic. Racial stereotypes? More people of color should listen to us (and write in). Headcanon. PE Teachers in society. Time Lords and Marxism. Some notes on Jenna Coleman. General thoughts on Series 8. 


The TARDIS Wiki entry for this episode: http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/The_Caretaker_(TV_story)

An interesting review of "The Caretaker" referenced by us: http://tomandlorenzo.com/2014/09/doctor-who-the-caretaker/


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