In this episode, Shana and Daniel are joined by Phil Sandifer of Eruditorum Press in discussing Mawdryn Undead. First they discuss Phil's new book Guided By the Beauty of Their Weapons and the horrible politics of Vox Day, and then a bit on their obvious disagreements on Moffat and feminism. Also: gay Turlough, the Brig as a character, and a brief puppy interlude. 

Main Topic: Mawdryn Undead. With special guest Phil Sandifer of Eruditorum Press. The worst joke ever on Oi! Spaceman. Militias in Oregon. Phil's new book and anger at Vox Day. The Hugos. Moffat and Vox. Shana invents an adjective. PhDs are meaningless. Phil on Moffat and feminism. "When you're talking about feminism always listen to the woman in the room." Fan culture in 2010. Queering characters. Moffat's back catalogue. Representation matters. Uncomfortable. Superficial. Production. Explicitly political science fiction. Pulp adventure and the valorization of colonialism. Moby Dick. What is the political? Don't pay attention to Vox Day. The alt right. Moving on to Mawdryn Undead. Gay Turlough. Couply Tegan and Nyssa. Production and writing. The invention of timey-wimey. Classic SF time travel tropes. A weak Part Four. Mawdryn and the Mutants. Mortal Doctor. The Brig as a character. Courtney versus Redgrave. Ian then Harry then Brig. The UNIT dating controversy. Mawdryn's place in the canon. The aesthetics of 1980s television. Turlough's first boyfriend. Tegan. Unearthly Children. Character development in the 80s. Puppy interlude. Next week: Terminus.

Buy Guided By the Voices of Their Weapons at Amazon. 

Vox Day interviewed on Pex Lives. 

Phil Sandifer's book on Wonder Woman

Phil's entry on Enlightenment and Gay Turlough

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