In this episode Shana and Daniel take a break from Doctor Who (partly because doing an hour on Earthshock made for an incredibly boring coversation) and instead do a bonus episode discussing the first season of the Netflix show Marvel's Jessica Jones. The show, and this this episode, contains significant material about abusive/coercive relationships, mind control, significant violence, and rape, so those triggered or upset by discussions of these topics should stay far away. 

Main Topic: Marvel's Jessica Jones, Season One. Shana leads. Why not Doctor Who? Tennant as a villain. Daniel's relationship with television. "Why do we even care about Moffat's Who right now?" Brian Michael Bendis. Comic book Jessica. Comic-to-television transition. Doctor Who is a writer's medium. Melissa Rosenberg. The MCU. Daniel doesn't know anything about postmodernism. A lowercase-v villain. Big-picture themes. Problematic racism. Jessica's powers versus Luke's. We love Rosario. Trish and her mother. Malcolm and intersectionality. Support groups. "That's not funny." Will Simpson and toxic masculinity. Will from the comics. Reuben and Robyn. The scale of masculinity. Military service as a moral intention. Kilgrave's masculinity? Three other female characters? Portrayals of a sexist world versus sexist portrayals of the world. Death of a thousand cuts. Albert Thompson. The horror of Kilgrave's powers. Kilgrave's powers and privilege. Mind control as plot device. Kilgrave as a metaphor for controlling relationships. A small number of seconds. Doesn't dance around rape. Mind control as mental illness. Luke as controlled by Kilgrave. Kilgrave's fandom. Prestige dramas and the white male antihero. Kilgrave uses Trish as an object. Enforced gender roles and kink. The language of coercive situations. Feminism in mass-market entertainment. Wrapping Up. Next week: The Husbands of River Song.


Rape, Consent, and Race in Marvel's Jessica Jones. 

Jessica Jones and Control

Watching Jessica Jones as a Trauma Survivor. 

We Don't Need Another Hero: How Jessica Jones Saved My Life

In Marvel's Jessica Jones, Women Get Stuff Done While Men Just Talk About Women. 

Netflix's Jessica Jones is a Complex Portrait of a Woman Come Undone

Marvel Show Jessica Jones Names a Most Evil Villain: Abuse.

Anita Sarkeesian: Some Thoughts on Jessica Jones. 

Folding Ideas on Toxic Masculinity in Fight Club

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