-Hello and Hola!
-Switchfoot talk
-Quotes and lyrics
-Brianna thinks Lauren is helping her case against Switchfoot
-Can't forget Relient K
-Brianna thinks they have better songs, but they all sound the same
-Lauren disagrees (as usual)
-Relief from Spanish and History classes (at last)
-Is it Wednesday yet?!
-Lauren will live again once Season 3 starts
-Brianna decides that 56 dollars for a DVD of LOST is too expensive for "not that good of a show"!
-Lauren doesn't shut up when she should
-Brianna has a semi-okay case against LOST... which Lauren makes sure to touché!
-One will go to great extents for something one is obsessed with
-Lauren's copy of Sorcerer's Stone is in 5 peices
-She has memorized the book and is now reading it in Spanish
-Wicked-The Mindcontrol Musical!
-Wicked Wicked Wicked
-Brianna mentions that Lauren hates hypocrites.. but also that Lauren is one, but Lauren says that she doesn't hate herself...
-Toss, toss and Switch-K-ost-er!

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