In this episode, Antoinette and Lucas riff on how we keep time in these uncertain times, before launching into an exploration of mutual aid networks.

These are grassroots groups, operating online, that match people looking for support (elderly folks in need of grocery delivery, for example) with volunteers ready to lend a hand. A recent NYT story on mutual aid networks can be found here.

Come for the heartwarming story of mutual aid, stay for a Lucasian mini-rant on GOP attempts to replace government with charity, and leave with plenty of action to take:

1. Find your local mutual aid network at Mutual Aid Hub. No mutual aid networks in your area? Start one yourself.

2. For our friends in TX21, check out Democratic candidate Wendy Davis' mutual aid network for folks in the district, on her website.

This episode was recorded on Thursday, April 16, 2020.