We start our Weekend Grab Bag with some follow-ups on stories throughout the week, including an update to our disinformation episode.

Lucas points to two stories related to his Oh This Small World mini-episode addressed to his fellow white people: a disturbing piece from the New York Times about armed "protesters" in Texas, and an article on the cancellation of the legislative session in Michigan. For listeners - especially white listeners - interested in further exploring how whiteness and white supremacy influence every aspect of American life, Lucas recommends Debby Irving's memoir "Waking Up White."

Next, Antoinette does a deep-dive into all things Animal Crossing, using a recent Atlantic piece as a jumping-off point to investigate what the game - and its popularity - says about where we are as a country.

Speaking of where we are as a country, we next dive into the numbers this week, and they're harrowing. A good resource for keeping track of what's happening with COVID-19 across America: the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.  Here in Texas, meanwhile, this week saw the highest single-day hike in coronavirus deaths, two weeks after Gov. Abbott's announced partial "reopen." The economic news is no better, including record unemployment and a volatile week on the stock market. We talk about what it all means, and where we go from here.

Finally, it's Friday, which means Antoinette and Lucas give their recs for what to watch, listen to, or read this weekend to stay grounded.

Antoinette sticks with the Animal Crossing theme, recommending the game or the Pocket Camp version for iPad and iPhone. She also recs some Spotify playlists: lofi hip hop and Throwback Jams. Meanwhile, Lucas, in a rare break from Antoinette, suggests tuning into Netflix's Love is Blind if you haven't already (though he has recommendations within that recommendation). 

Let us know what you're listening to/watching/reading. We're on IG and Twitter @OhThisWorldPod or email us at [email protected]

Stay safe and healthy this weekend and we'll see you next week!

This episode was recorded on Friday, May 15, 2020.