Every Friday, we follow up on our previous episodes from the week, and talk about what we're doing to stay grounded in this unsettling time, including sharing what we're listening to, reading and watching.

Today we start with follow-ups on recent segments about writing letters to the editor; the partial Texas "re-open," which begins today; and playing the political long game. You can find Lucas' recent letter to the Statesman here.

Antoinette and Lucas next explore those things we've started doing during quarantine that we hope stick around after it's done. From chatting with friends more frequently to spending more time outside to being able to grab alcohol to-go, we focus on the bright spots.

When it comes to how we're staying grounded this week, Antoinette is all about the dogs of Instagram. She shared three favorites: Loulou & Coco, the Hotdogs of Hackney, and Eris the Borzoi. Meanwhile, Lucas recommends checking out Mrs. America on Hulu, a mini-series that shows grassroots activism in action.

Finally, a quick programming note. After experimenting with our schedule the last two weeks, we're making it official: we'll be recording new episodes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from here on out. If you haven't already, subscribe today!

An easy call to action for the weekend:

We want to hear from you. Let us know what quarantine habits you've picked up that you hope stick around once we're no longer staying at home, and share your weekend pop culture recs. We're on Twitter and IG @OhThisWorldPod or shoot us an email at [email protected]. Stay safe this weekend!

This episode was recorded on Friday, May 1, 2020.