Warning! Podcast No. 23 is educational and good fun for the entire family! Gabriel Dalar has mom and dad snapping their fingers without getting off the sofa, while Les Classels lets the kids twist it out of their system. Stone has the perfect song for rebellious teens and Claude Bolling provides you with some good, […]

Warning! Podcast No. 23 is educational and good fun for the entire family! Gabriel Dalar has mom and dad snapping their fingers without getting off the sofa, while Les Classels lets the kids twist it out of their system. Stone has the perfect song for rebellious teens and Claude Bolling provides you with some good, wholesome Madison moves. Stella allows the entire family to bone up on their knowledge of Nouvelle Vague films by playing “name that movie” and Shirley Théroux gives parents enough time to make some popcorn, send the kids to bed and pop in a black and white film with sexy French actors of the 1960s.


Gabriel Dalar – Hé Youla !

Les Classels – Lucille

Stone – C’est ma vie

Claude Bolling – Le Madison

Stella – Nouvelle Vague Blues

Shirley Théroux – Par amour du métier

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