Ketamine: Horse Tranquilizer or a therapeutic tool to treat Depression & Fibromyalgia? Orrrrr both? The girls bring on Faith, someone who underwent Ketamine Nasal Spray Therapy to treat Major Depressive Disorder, but it ended up helping her Fibromyalgia as well. And for those of you who might not know what Fibro is (like Lacey & Steph) it’s summed up as a chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized areas….aka, you’re in constant pain. 

The girls wanted to learn about Faith’s experience using Ketamine, because they have only ever seen it be used as a “party drug,” & were fascinated to hear about about all of the healing benefits it can have for many people. Not only did the three discuss Ketamine, but of course, talked about all of the healing benefits of plant medicine such as Psilocybin Mushrooms, LSD, and Weed…shit’s crazy yall. 

Check out Faith’s Blog Post: “My Brain 6 on Ketamine - A reflection on my 8+ weeks at a Ketamine clinic:”

Resource for those interested in Ketamine for Depression & Chronic Pain

Ketamine Experience -

Affirmations on Ketamine -

Faith’s Website:

Faith’s Instagrams:




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