Today Lacey & Steph bring on keyboardist, sound designer, music producer, and friend, Borahm Lee. For the past few years now the girls have developed a deep love for the “Electro Soul” genre of music with one of their favorite artists being Pretty Lights. Come full circle, and they find out that Borahm was actually a contributing key person in the making of the genre & working with Pretty Lights. 

Being raised in New York City, Borahm started playing the keys at young age. Growing into his career, he developed a deep appreciation for Black American music, also known as Jazz. This led him to eventually tour with incredible artists like The Fugees, Kanye West, and Lauren Hill. He then moved to Colorado to focus on his own band, Break Science, while still working with & developing music for Pretty Lights, and continues to develop new avenues of music such as his solo work and new group Bttrfly Quintet. 


In this episode they discuss:

Growing up in the Korean community, during the 80’s, in New York  His parents moving back to Korea at a young age Being forced to learn & play piano by his parents, which later turns into a love & form of expression  Music Therapy “Jazz”- Black American Music Racism in & out of the music industry (Touring through middle America) The 3 types of Racism Touring with Kanye West & Lauren Hill Playing at Redrocks for the first time. 2014 headlining at Redrocks with Pretty Lights Moving to Colorado Creating the Electro Soul Genre Are Psychedelics a part of the writing process?  Having an outlet for your own creative expression Social Media


Keep up with us online & check out Borahm on Spotify!
Borahm’s Spotify:

Break Science’s Spotify:

Pretty Lights’ Spotify:

Borahm’s IG: (@Borahmkeys)

Oh Here We Go’s IG:

Stephanie’s IG:

Lacey’s IG:

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