This week, Kara Webb and Clare Otridge will join us to discuss AI technology in the food industry. This episode begins with a discussion about GPT-4's token prediction, laying the groundwork for understanding the potential of AI in our daily operations. 

We discuss AI's role in streamlining processes. Issues such as data security and potential misuse of technology. We delve into the ethics of AI, the risk of "fake content" generation, and the balance needed between human creativity and machine efficiency.

Kara and Clare guide us through understanding emotional analysis in market research, the potential for AI in lie detection, and how tech tools, though slow to gain traction in the food industry, can amplify productivity and foster innovation. 

We discuss the urgent need for upskilling in the food industry as we navigate these technological advancements. 

If you want to be involved in the next recording session with us, you can reserve your place HERE – it’s a lovely session to network, ask questions and talk about the food industry!



- 00:02:40 - Introducing Kara Webb and Clare Otridge and the topic of AI in the Food Industry.

- 00:07:15 - How GPT-4 predicts tokens and its impact on the industry with Karolyn Webb.

- 00:12:03 - Real-world examples and limitations of GPT-4 shared by Clare Otridge.

- 00:18:50 - Exploring AI integration in Microsoft's ecosystem and the food industry at large.

- 00:24:28 - Discussing AI's role in recipe automation and repetitive task management.

- 00:30:22 - Ethical considerations and human oversight in the age of data-driven AI.

- 00:38:49 - Emotional interpretation in AI and minimization of survey biases.

- 00:47:10 - Appreciation for sponsors, the continuous value of human content, and the power of AI in market research.

- 01:01:45 - The strategic development and deployment of Chat GPT by OpenAI.

- 01:07:56 - Anticipated changes with AI in drug discovery and the attention economy.

- 01:12:40 - Closing thoughts on tech tools, AI potential, and advancing with a human-centric approach.


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For industry consulting from Lucy, connect with her on Instagram or LinkedIn.

For further support with industry coaching and facilitation from Amy, find her on Instagram or LinkedIn.

See you next time!