If your career involves any level of contact with an NPD team, you’ll know that it’s a high-pressure job with a lot of tight deadlines, strict workflows and tons of industry jargon. And you might have thought that that was all you needed to know, but on this week’s episode of the Oh For Food’s Sake podcast, we’re here to correct you and deliver some exciting news: our NPD Fundamentals course is back!

We walk you through who this course is for and what you’ll get out of it. We share the benefit of our hindsight and why we would have loved an NPD crash course at the beginning of our food industry careers. You’ll learn what you’ll get out of the NPD course even if you’re not on an NPD team and why it’ll benefit your career and make your company more efficient. Plus we break down the common pain points around NPD and how you can prevent them from happening. It’s every question you had about NPD but never had the time or the courage to ask!

We’d love to see you on our NPD Fundamentals course, which starts very soon! 

Find out more about the course here

 and if you have any questions, then please reach out to us on 

Facebook or LinkedIn  See you there!


[1:45] Hi folks! Today we’re talking about everything you need to know about the NPD process

[4:31] Understanding the how and the why of NPD

[7:27] Why it’s hard to get to grips with the Stage-Gate process

[10:21] Food industry process: The theory and the reality

[14:45] Why NPD is relevant to EVERYONE in the food industry

[17:31] How to stop those pain points from slowing down your NPD process

[21:39] Benefits for you, benefits for the business

[23:35] “It deserves to be talked about” 

Links and Resources

Find out more about our NPD Fundamentals course

Our previous episode on seeing the bigger picture

If you’d like to know more about today’s sponsor, find them online at: 


Daymer on LinkedIn

Daymer on Twitter

Email: [email protected]

You can follow us here on instagram

If you would like further support with myself, Amy for food industry coaching and facilitation find me here on instagram or LinkedIn

For food industry Consulting from Lucy you can find her here on instagram or LinkedIn

See you next time!

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