Burt Ward, yes THE Burt Ward, who starred as Robin in the then-top-ranked Batman show, sheds his cape and tights and dashes on Arden Moore’s Oh Behave Show to discuss being a comic book hero now dedicated to caring for dogs in need, especially big dogs. He and his wife, Tracy, operate Gentle Giants Rescue. Discover what role Frank Sinatra pined to play on the hit 1960s show and how Burt landed the role and much more. Also, listen carefully for special code words and you may win a big bag of healthy dog food or treats from this canine crusader. Holy Bow-Wow! We’ve got quite a show. Tune in now!

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More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Oh Behave - Holy Hound Dog! It’s Burt Ward Talking about His Dual Roles as Caped Crusader and Canine Crusader with Arden Moore