#JeanStone #IdiosyncraticFashionistas #OGTalkNYC #OrganicGrill OG CHAT BEHIND CLOSED DOORS EPISODE 43. This episode was recorded at the pandemic times in New York . We all experienced that harsh reality of world wide crisis . OG Talk crew decided to create a special segment for that period and we called it "OG Chat, Behind Closed Doors". Jean Stone her friend & Valerie Foley , NYC style bloggers for "women of a certain age" setting a bad, bad example for older women everywhere! The powerful duet live and dress with "GROWING OLD WITH VERVE " motto in mind . It was such an honor to talk to Jean about her discovering her own style since she was 13. She talked to us about cultures and places that shaped her taste . Her optimism, compassion all creatures, strengthened by vegetarianism keep her in pristine condition . We enjoyed this conversation immensely.