OG CHAT BEHIND CLOSED DOORS EPISODE 45. This episode was recorded at the pandemic times in New York . We all experienced that harsh reality of world wide crisis . OG Talk crew decided to create a special segment for that period and we called it "OG Chat, Behind Closed Doors". Today our hosts are Eddie Brill, Vladimir Grinberg & Lauren Passel. Our guest is Carl Danielsen .For Carl Danielsen, a Yoga to the People instructor, dancer, and actor, yoga is a way of life, and a gateway to good health and harmony. We discussed how different life become for Carl before and during pandemic. THis is what Carl said:  I was teaching yoga 4 to 5 days per week. I also taught Shakespeare… and had my private [acting] coaching practice at New York Film Academy. Now most of it gone by now. But I am optimistic. Carl shared about the project he is so passionate about: CREA. CREA a  a Lower East Side neighborhood creative space for actors, musicians, dancers, poets to come in once a week to hone their skills, stay in professional shape between auditions, to collaborate and receive feedback. Eventually they plan to organize events based on talents involved . Mr. Danielsen acknowledged that he sees the importance of CREA because it provides the level of the support  for the developing talents while they still searching for their own identity as artists. We all hope that as pandemic subsides , Carl and his group are going to be able to go back to what they have started.