In this small video clip Cara Alwill Leyba talks about how  she was able to transform her attitude from a failure  as an author, who was rejected dozens of times by publisher to empowered and self reliant writer who takes control of her own destiny. She self published her book "Girl Code" that become a best seller . Immediately publishers started to knock at her door with offers.

Cara Alwill Leyba is a speaker and life coach who encourages women to celebrate themselves and make their happiness a priority. She is the author of five self-published books, runs a popular blog called The Champagne Diet and a podcast called Style Your Mind.

 Over 6 million listeners worldwide tune in to Cara’s podcast Style Your Mind each week for powerful conversations and a mega dose of inspiration. She is the author of 9 best selling books that have inspired women around the world to step into their power and fulfill their potential.

Cara’s stylish and edgy approach to personal development has attracted thousands of women to attend her workshops and events around the world. She has been featured in Forbes, Glamour, Entrepreneur, Success, Cosmo, Marie Claire, and many others.She encourages women to live their most effervescent lives, celebrate themselves every day, and make their happiness a priority. Over 6 million listeners worldwide tune in to Cara’s podcast Style Your Mind 

Check this episode to  hear and see why we respect and admire Cara so much.