This week, we're talking retailers...

Statistics on monthly retail sales are due out in a few days.  We'll preview the report and detail the troubles the retailing sector has seen lately.

The number of bankruptcies in the industry continue to mount.   We'll put the recent problems in perspective and take a look at some of the new additions to the bankruptcy list.

We'll also check in on the Fed.  First we'll examine what the Fed's minutes told us about the future of monetary policy.  Then, we'll dive into the latest jobs report and look at what that means for both the economy and for interest rates.

And as always, we'll try on some of the funkier outfits hanging in Wall Street's closet...

We've Uber using psychological tricks to get the most out of its drivers.  We've got the IRS turning to private debt collectors.  We've got real-life college scholarships for video games.  And we've got yet another business for Amazon: showing football games.