Valentine's Day is on the way.  And just in time for the big day, we got the release of the sequel to 50 Shades of Grey.

With that in mind, we're hoping that Wall Street isn't in for some tough love this week.  There's a lot of economic news set to come out.  Also, a number of big companies still have to release their quarterly results.

On the economic front, retail sales data will lead the way.  We'll let you konw what to expect from the latest from those statistics.  We'll also check in with an iconic retailer that continues to suffer in new environment.

We've also got Tom Brady's missing jersey.  We've got Donald Trump getting between Steph Curry and his most prominent endorser.  We've got a Cheeto priced at nearly $100,000. And we've got another game that robots are officially better than people at playing: poker.