This is a personal recording from My father's Celebration of Life. This is intended for family and friends of his and the Reader family who weren't able to make the service.

My father Norman Reader Passed on July 12th, 2018 after falling 16ft from a roof on a construction job. The fall day was May 15th and he spent the following 2 months in ICU battling multi-system internal trauma. He was a warrior beyond our understanding; he suffers no more.

This is a full recording of his celebration of life. It is a tribute to the many phases of life Norman had and is delivered by close family and co-workers.

0 - 14mins - Opening remarks from Stefan Schmaling (nephew)

14 - 27mins - Alan Reader (brother)

27 - 37mins - Dave Darby (British South African Police representative)

37 - 48mins - Chris Perry (Lakeview Youth Custody Centre co-worker and friend)

48 - 50mins - Matt Gildersleeve (nephew)

50 - 52mins - Pamela Schmaling reader a letter from Steve Gildersleeve (sister in law and brother in law)

52 - 1:01mins - Cheyla Reader (daughter)

1:01 - 1:20mins - Martin Reader (son)

1:20 - 1:23mins - Closing remarks from Stefan Schmaling (nephew)

1:23 - 1:24mins - Moment of Silence

1:24 - 1:28mins - Song by Eric Uglum - Shenandoah Wind

1:28 - 1:29mins - Closing Prayer from Stefan Schmaling (nephew)

Thank you for listening from wherever you are in the world. Blessings to you and may Norman Rest in Peace.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.