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Motorcycle racing is a tough old sport... we hear plenty about the good times but very little about the not-so-good times, even though there are plenty! Lincolnshire twins Tim and Tom (and yes, just like the Lowes twins, I can actually tell them apart :-)) came late to the tarmac by modern standards after glittering careers in Flat Track racing. 2023 posed problems for both fellas with Tom in his second year at Honda Racing and Tim promoted to the factory-supported McAMS Yamaha squad. Was it too much too soon for both? I'll let them tell you. But on a more positive note, spending the weekend at the VR46 Ranch for the annual 100km Race with McPint as team manager was a phenomenal experience for them and it really made me happy to see the lads excited to tell the story - especially in a world where being openly unexcited about things is more the norm in the younger generation.

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