This episode was produced in partnership with, a law firm composed of former in-house counsel. To see how they can provide insightful, pragmatic, and solutions-focused legal services to you and your legal department, visit

In this episode, we are joined by Sacha Fraser. Sacha earned her law degree from Queen’s University. Her non-linear career path has gone through many phases, including 6 years off the tracks in three different business roles before returning to law and General Counsel positions at Xerox and now, IBM. Sacha is an avid tennis player, photographer, mixologist and playlist curator. 

In this conversation, Sacha shares about how working in-house can provide meaningful opportunities to become immersed in the business of the organization. Sacha explains how a big risk – taking a business role at Xerox – ended up being a great reward! She also gives fantastic tips about email hygiene and reclaiming time in your workday. And, we learn the sweetest reason why Sacha’s children grew up loving Wednesdays! 

Sacha is a mixologist and in an Off the Tracks first, we’re sharing a cocktail recipe with you today! Here’s Sacha “The Justice” recipe:

A little less than one ounce of St Germaine

A little more than one ounce of fresh lime juice

Simple syrup

Pour it over ice 

Top with prosecco 

To make it a mocktail, use an elderflower drink instead of St Germaine

Learn from Sacha on LinkedIn

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Thanks for taking some time to step off the tracks with us!

– Erin & Piper – 

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