Where’s Wayne Been?

Posted on April 24, 2019 by Wayne Bettess

So, some of you may be aware that last year, just before Christmas I broke my foot!! ( live on camera on the Off The Tools Fitness group, DOH!)

That morning I had weighed myself and had literally rolled back 12 years of bad lifestyle decisions, I was pumped, motivated and quite frankly super proud of myself for what I had achieved, weighing less than I did at 20 years old and feeling fitter and stronger than I had ever felt.

I was two miles into my run and on pace for a personal best 3-mile time, then BOOM… I tumbled to the deck, I knew straight away that I had done some serious damage. Thankfully a passerby came over and got me to my feet, I composed myself and set off to hobble the remaining 1 mile back home, wrapped the foot in some ice and kept it elevated overnight. The next morning I went down the local A & E and it was confirmed that a bone was broke in my foot.

Stupidly, as it was close to Christmas, I sub-consciously decided that hey-ho I might as well just relax and unwind… BIG MISTAKE!

Yes, it is good to relax and unwind but without any boundaries and structure I quickly started to fall into some bad habits, it was Christmas after all! I had big targets for both my businesses and my personal life all set out but, I allowed this minor set back to be an excuse NOT to start EXECUTING them.

Before I knew it, It was mid-January, my foot was nearly healed but I had yet to make a real comeback… quite frankly this continued through to the 5th March.

The 5th of March was the start of Lent 2019. ( I’m not a practising Christian but, I have been built on Christian value’s and beliefs)

So, I decided, F*ck it, I’ll give up Facebook for Lent!

As you will be aware, I’m very active across the various Facebook groups so I knew this would be a good mental challenge for me to attempt, whilst I was heading into a bit of a pit mentally and physically.

The first week was quite simple TBH, It then became a little bit more difficult… I had really underestimated how much I actually valued all the time and people I was interacting with on a daily basis.

Working for your self is a very lonely place, what these communities give not just me but probably many of you guys reading/listening is a place to unload our problems, make friendships and ultimately feel a part of something bigger than just ourselves. ( Que the keyboard warriors that will try and make out that this is sad and pathetic, FUCK YOU MAN… FUCK YOU!) sorry went off the subject there lol.

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