So I had a client that I was working with at the end of last year and as part of what we were doing together i obviously needed to see and understand his figures and  well thats where this episode was born out of! 

Basically all I asked for was his profit and loss, annual turnover from past yearz. these are all  basic basic business numbers, well i could tell from his reaction that then he gave me that this wasn’t going to be as simple as I first thought... TBH it was probably one of the reasons that he was seeking out someone like myself to give him some  help and guidance.

anyway at the end of the conversation the end result was that he had no idea what so ever, he literally had no idea of what they were and even more worryingly he didn’t even know where he could find them! 

That led me to send him a few home truths, I recorded a very quick audio that i sent to him. ( if you click the link below you can have a listen to what i said) 

The reason I’m sharing this is simply because I feel that there are couple of valuable little lesson that were exposed in the audio and felt it was worth sharing for others to maybe take something from it.

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