Wayne Bettess ( Off The Tools ) & Ettan Bazil ( Elite Heating Company ) Discuss the British Gas Fire & rehire Policy... They have collaborated to provide a free business Bootcamp to those affected.

Watch on Youtube now - https://youtu.be/_qfk3WR72pk

Calling all  British Gas engineers that have been forced out recently...

Off The Tools is dedicated to supporting our industry, so we are going to put on a business boot camp in partnership with Elite Heating Company  ( if the interest is there) for any of the people that have been forced out by the fire and rehire policy that BG has implemented.

[ http://bit.ly/BGFIREREHIRE

This will be 100% free to attend, virtual event.


- Business Start-Up 101

- Marketing & Sales

- Lead Management 

- Finance & Money Management

- Plus Lots More 

Sign up for free now - http://bit.ly/BGFIREREHIRE

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#FireRehire #BritishGas #OffTheTools #Support #Coaching #businessstartup

Wayne Bettess is a leading Trades Business Coach, He isn’t like traditional business coaches in regards to the fact that he still owns two businesses in the heating industry, YourNewBoiler.com & WarmaHome.com.

Wayne’s story is one of many Success and Failures, Trials & Errors and he is passionately dedicated to elevating others to achieve more across their entire lives. Wayne is the Creator of “The Three B’s” and lives and

Learn More Here - https://info.commusoft.co.uk/wayne

Support the show (https://paypal.me/waynebettess)