Since employees who walk out the door can cost their organizations up to 200 percent of their annual salaries to replace, retention is one of the most important issues facing businesses today. And with so many surveys reporting that employees are not happy and not working up to their full potential, engagement is also a serious and costly issue. And yet, how many talent management books truly stand the test of time?

In its sixth edition and published in more than 20 languages, Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em: Getting Good People to Stay provides managers around the world with 26 practical engagement strategies. Join internationally renowned Dr. Beverly Kaye as she suggests simple ways for managers to get started engaging their employees, ranging from the benefits of conducting stay interviews (first suggested in Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em over 20 years ago!) to why it’s essential to always tell the truth to when it’s appropriate to question the rules. Dr. Kaye challenges organizations to think about how they can keep their best employees through internal mobility and describes how diversity and inclusion are essential components to all 26 of the engagement strategies.