Former NFL scout Matt Manocherian (@mattmano) of Sports Info Solutions and football analytics pioneer Aaron Schatz (@FO_ASchatz) of Football Outsiders (@fboutsiders) take an in-depth look at the final week of the NFL regular season.

Games they preview on a jam-packed show:

Steelers–Browns (8:10)

Titans-Texans (10:00)

Bengals-Ravens (11:00)

Colts –Jaguars (15:41)

Cowboys-Giants (19:03)

Washington-Eagles  (20:44)

Packers-Bears (24:45)

Cardinals-Rams (27:17)

Matt then talks to Alex Vigderman (@VigManonCampus) about changes made to our flagship stat, Total Points, as relates to how it evaluates running backs.


Thanks for listening! You can email the show with feedback at [email protected] and don't forget to follow on Twitter @SportsInfo_SIS and Instagram @sportsinfosolutions. For more, check out:

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