Lamour Bluitt was born in Chicago, Illinois, to two beautiful parents, who grew up on the Southside low-end Wentworth Garden, and both of their parents had migrated from the South and North to Chicago in the early 1900s. For 7 year's he taught individuals on understanding creativity and building wealth. His first book, "Success Why Successful People Become Successful & Why Others Don't" The self-help book inspired many people on mental awareness, and self-mastery. Now available on Amazon and KDP.

Writers Unite Book Camp

I am a self-published author, marketing director, consultant, educator and entrepreneur. I remember when I had no one to believe in me, that I would publish and write a book. I lead business owners, through the process of learning how to create and tap into their inner self, intellectual property and acquire new skill sets that teach individuals how to maintain a successful enterprise while gaining financial freedom. I work with individuals to understand their audience and market when it comes to getting your story out in front of others. Creating a story that you would be surprised at how many people get inspired by what they could relate to. I strive to help inspire, lead and create a tremendous writing journey.