Elder Abuse comes in all forms and across all walks of life. Along with Elder Abuse comes Fraud, forgery and dismissal. Law Enforcment doesn't like to get involved. Lawyers don't like to get involved and there are more victims than just the one being abused. Join me as I talk about a new project that I have been working on that involves all of  the above. This project is close to my heart because the victim needs a voice - The victim has been treated as if she was not a victim by all of the above. Sadly, she was not the first victim to suffer at the hands of the abusers. The more I dig the worse it becomes. Greed, and narcissism and being a psychopath all come together to create a monster who preyed on the elderly, the helpless and the vunerable. This show will make chills run down your spine and make you sick to your stomach.