With more than 21 years of military service, Joseph “Joe” Bogdan has a wide array of leadership experience in the engineering, communications, and social services career fields and has employed his skills at multiple assignments across the globe. Driven by his passion to help others reach their professional and personal goals, he continues to be a mentor to hundreds and is a sought-after speaker and instructor on a variety of topics to include resilience, management, and leadership.

He holds instructional certifications in multiple courses to include Franklin Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Shipley Communications’ Four Lenses, and is a Master Resiliency Trainer certified at The University of Pennsylvania.  He is a certified Leadership Coach, he holds an undergraduate degree in Social Sciences with a minor in Homeland Security from the University of Maryland University College and earned his graduate degree in Organizational Leadership at Brandman University where he is currently an adjunct professor of both undergraduate and graduate leadership studies.

Joe is also a co-founder of The Llama Leadership website and a host of the Llama Lounge podcast that explores topics on all things life, learning, and leadership.  You can reach out to Joe at the Llama Leadership website at www.llamaleadership.com, on his LinkedIn page at https://www.linkedin.com/in/jybogdan/, or by email at [email protected].