Peter Tabichi, a Kenyan science teacher and winner of the Varkey Foundation Global Teacher Prize 2019, came to the USA in September, 2019 and met President Donald J. Trump, leaders of the World Bank and opened the United States Congress with a prayer.

His tour led him to meetings with tech giants in Silicon Valley, including Google and Facebook, and to speak at the United Nations in New York, as he asks for those in power to support science learning among young people in Africa.

A thread that runs through every meeting, Peter highlights that it is not only a moral duty but also in America’s self-interest to help Africa develop its science and technology base.

“The fates of America and Africa are entwined. .. It is not enough for western governments and companies to provide aid to alleviate the hardships faced in the Global South. They must also help Africa produce homegrown scientific talent who will come up with fresh solutions from fresh perspectives that can only be cultivated at the coalface.”

Leading by example, Peter gives 80% of his salary to the poor in his community and he was this year appointed the first Champion for Children in Conflicts and Crisis for Education Cannot Wait, the global fund for education in crisis. He is championing the cause of the 75 million children whose education is disrupted by conflicts and natural disasters.

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