Dr. J.D. Sanders, Therapist, and Empowerment Life Coach; DFMT, NCC. The innovative, limitless, no boundaries, motivational, inspirational speaker, and minister, single father, and co-parent father. For more than 20 years, Dr. Sanders has led people to find tenacity and strength to change their circumstances through positive self-inquiry and actions. Through his therapy, life coaching, programs, workshops, faith-based approach to transformation, Dr. Sanders partner with individuals and families to create a life filled with freedom.

Dr. Sanders had great impartation and sound wisdom from his grandparents Quentin and Zoma Sanders; he has embraced their words of wisdom and discipline. Dr. Sanders prides his ability to counsel, coach, and mentor others, not only from his extensive education and background, but from his previous many mistakes, encounters, lack of self-confidence, lack of identity, and lack of trust. As a result, Dr. Sanders has become an awesome visionary and is admired by many for his outstanding integrity, drive, and teaching.

Dr. Sanders daily pursuit is to walk in true submission to God. Dr. Sanders offers a stimulating word in practicality and truth. People can experience direction, growth and elevation. Many people that experience the counsel and word of Dr. Sanders marvels at his passion, wisdom, and knowledge. Dr. Sanders is a dynamic dream maker who is affecting lives in many ways. Dr. Sanders has made a conscious conclusion that he will partner with individuals, communities, and family units to shift beyond their mental construction zone and advance in their destiny. Even if it includes life’s detoured route. We were created to create and operate as wealth walkers and undeniably we need to tap into our well.