S.P. Stevens       


Born in London in 1972, Shaun spent his formative years in the shadows of the dreaming spires of Oxford, before moving to Nottingham where he graduated with a degree in English and Media. Preferring to follow a passion for music over writing, he worked as a dance music producer in the 1990s. In 2001 he founded an internet marketing company, finding a home for his writing in the form of technical SEO and copywriting services. Unable to resist more creative urges, in 2016 he finally decided to put fingers to keyboard, penning his debut Fantasy novel, Bindcrafter. 

Shaun now lives in Brighton, on the south coast of England, where he splits his time between fiction, internet marketing, coaching kid’s soccer, and writing about himself in the third person. 

Find out more at www.spstevens.com 

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