Neil Riebe has been a lifelong fan of Japanese giant monsters since seeing King Kong vs Godzilla back in the 70s. The three-part story Godzilla vs Atragon, published in G-Fan issues #9 through #11, inspired him to write his multi-part Godzilla stories. These stories included Godzilla vs Super Allosaurus, published in G-Fan issues #15 through #17, Battle of Manazura Island, published in G-Fan #25, and Rodana, published in G-Fan #42. After Toho asked G-Fan to cease publishing fan fiction based on their characters, Neil posted subsequent stories on Fan While writing kaiju fan fiction, he also wrote an article for Japanese Giants #10 and the forewords to Gfantis vs Guest Monsters anthology and John LeMay’s The Big Book of Japanese Giant Monster Movies Vol. 1: 1954-1982. Matt Dennion, author of the popular Atomic Rex novels, invited Neil to contribute a short story to his Attack of the Kaiju anthology (in 2016). Since then Neil has switched from kaiju fan fiction to writing original kaiju stories.