Brie Warder is an American actress, director and entertainer from Florida. She was born in Princeton, New Jersey, but was quickly moved to Florida shortly following her birth. She grew up and attended school in Live Oak, Florida. 

Her love for acting started at an early age, but did not take off until her freshman year of High School. She started in the entertainment industry as a radio DJ and merged into theater and independent films. She has acted in many High School and college projects and plays such as Hairspray and The Great Gatsby. 

She recently acted in TB Punk Films' Viral 2, by Kapplan Bryant.

She is currently pursuing a fine arts degree in film and theater through the University of Central Florida in Orlando. She has a passion for movies and plays as well as comical, fantasy, horror and Sci-Fi television shows, comic books and sports.

Brie is the host of a weekly hashtag game on Twitter called “Five O’Clock Fridays”, or #5OClockFridays: Fridays at 5:00 PM ET.

Brie looks forward to expanding her acting career with The Cosmic Vault.




Film: The Dybbuk

David Heringer is an American author and director. He was born on a US Air Force base in Germany, but mostly raised in Live Oak, Florida. He is a full-time Events Coordinator and Co-Owner of Infinity Convention LLC. a comic book convention based in Lake City, FL. David has been in the entertainment business most of his life, starting with the music industry and eventually making his way to film business with The Cosmic Vault and Infinity Convention.