Off the Canvas with Jenn Van de Vooren.

Episode 2: Trust the Joy.   

This episode showed me the power of art and how it really is our teacher. I thought the recording was going to be about relationships and how parts of art connect and work together. However, the universe stepped in and reminded me that my art doesn't come from my mind, it comes from my heart, and unless I express myself from that authentic place, it's not going to feel good! Trust the joy. Feel good. Live the life you imagined!

Today's art prompt is simple - just start following your joy and curiosity. If you have no idea what you like, a good way to start is to make a Pinterest board and pin images that just light you up and call to your soul. Call the board soul love and start pinning! Don't give yourself limits - if you love it, pin it! Go quick and don't overthink it. Come back to it when you have a bunch of pins - do you see any recurring themes? colours? Places? activities? styles? 

Thanks for joining me!

With joy and gratitude,


Jennifer Van de Vooren, Artist & Creative Guide