This week we sat with our friend...

Leon Legacy!! Leon is a hip-hop artist out of Worcester, MA. Leon released his latest project, Falling with Style on November 10 2017. You can support Leon and purchase the album at

One thing we can say, if you like hip-hop, you're going to love this. Leon's message of positivity and ability to overcome obstacles in his path. It was fun sitting and talking with him and his hype man / business partner, Baker. We will definitely have them on again in the future.

Beer of the Week: Shipyard - Island Time Session IPA - Shipyard Brewing Co Portland Maine.A refreshingly lite body IPA with only 4.5 ABV. See the full review at

Featured Song: Return to Life - Leon Legacy. A message that you can be what you want to be if you give everything to be it. 100! Support Leon by going to to purchase Falling with Style. Find him on Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat.