What's up people?? This week on Off Colored Discussions we sat with Alana Foden Susko. A comedian and owner of Comedy On Purpose. A company that helps companies, schools, or who ever raise funds by putting on Comedy Shows with local talent. She is the host of the comedy night at the Budweiser Beigarten in Merrimack, NH, every Wednesday night from 7 pm to 10 pm. As well as Soho in Hudson, NH. She has also been a sales consultant for Athena's Home Novelties for 15 years. Who isn't excited to hear that story? Check her out on Facebook: Comedy On Purpose and for you other needs, Princess Goddess.

Beer of the Week: Nugz A wet hop IPA from Great Rhythm Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH. Check out the beer review at OffColoredDiscussions.blubrry.net

Song of the Week: Gripz - Loaded. Subscribe to Gripz on YouTube, Spotify, and like his Facebook page. Get in and be a part of something.