We had a magical time chatting with author and educator Melissa Pyrch on the podcast this week!

She is the kind of teacher and mentor we all needed in high school! We cannot wait to read her debut, BEYOND THE BELL.

A bit more about Melissa:

Melissa Pyrch has been teaching high school English in New York state for over two decades. While motivating her seniors to pursue their wildest dreams, Melissa Pyrch made a promise that she would never ask them to do anything she wasn’t willing to do herself. In that challenge, her social media account on Instagram @Pyrchgetspublished was born. She wrote Beyond the Bell and proved to her students that, with hard work, anything is possible.

After graduating from SUNY Cortland with a teaching certificate and a slew of sorority sisters, she landed her first teaching job. As her career evolved, she taught electives like Mass Media and Society, Poetry, Beyond the Classics, and Public Speaking. She earned a master’s degree in creative writing from Manhattanville College and was named Westchester County’s Cheerleading Coach of the Year. Pyrch earned an additional master’s in communication arts from The College of New Rochelle where she won several academic scholarships and graduated with honors.

A highlight of her career is helping students craft college essays that reflect their truths. This experience opened her eyes to understanding the simple key to connecting with teens. Her approach: listen, acknowledge their challenges, and push them out of their comfort zones so they can fly.

As an author, teacher, mom of three boys, and wife to a Yonkers Fire Captain, Melissa Pyrch gets to live her biggest dream every day when the bell rings.

Stop by Instagram @pyrchgetspublished or visit www.melissapyrch.com for updates and to join the fun.


Of the Publishing Persuasion is a podcast for writers at all stages, shedding light on the journey to publication and beyond. The ups, the downs and everything in between.

Find us on Instagram: @pubpersuasion

HOSTED BY: Angela Montoya: @angelamontoya_author & Melanie Schubert: @melanie_schubert_writer