We are so excited to chat with marketing coach and just all round beautiful human, Danielle Wilkinson 🎉 Today we're talking reels, social media trends and Instagram engagement.

Danielle is a YA writer and a Marketing Coach For Writers & Authors. She is a round 9 Author Mentor Match mentee and blogger for @weneeddiversebooks 🌟✨

She runs a 3-week Instagram Bootcamp Coaching Program (check it out at https://instagrambootcamp.my.canva.site/ )

You can find Danielle on Instagram: @daniellethewriter.co

Of the Publishing Persuasion is a podcast for writers at all stages, shedding light on the journey to publication and beyond. The ups, the downs and everything in between. HOSTED BY: Angela Montoya: @angelamontoyawrites & Melanie Schubert: @melanie_schubert_writer
