We had a wonderful time chatting with author-illustrator, Sher Rill Ng (@sherrill.ng ).

Her STUNNING art speaks for itself and the stories she creates are POWERFUL.

A bit more about Sher Rill Ng:


Sher Rill Ng is a Woi Wurrung/Melbourne-based digital illustrator.

She designed and illustrated for SaaS companies before releasing her first author-illustrated picture book Our Little Inventor (2019 Allen & Unwin). Her work includes middle grade book covers for The Twelve by Cindy Lin, The Rogues by Lian Tanner and Winnie Zeng Unleashes a Legend by Katie Zhao.

Our Little Inventor has been adapted into a children's opera, composed by Emma Jayakumar and presented by the West Australian Opera, which will premiere in October 2022.

Sher Rill is represented by Danielle Binks @dbinks at Jacinta di Mase Management

For any book project enquiries please contact Danielle @JacintaDiMase.

Of the Publishing Persuasion is a podcast for writers at all stages, shedding light on the journey to publication and beyond. The ups, the downs and everything in between.

Find us on Instagram: @pubpersuasion

HOSTED BY: Angela Montoya: @angelamontoya_author & Melanie Schubert: @melanie_schubert_writer