We return to the magical university campus of Pigsmoke with our returning staff: Nick, Joshua, and Stephen. Marcus was unable to make this episode, but did join us in chat near the end. This is the third and last part to the Educational Creidt story arc.

I invite you to check out the following Youtube actual play performers. It's' not often that I get to play IN a game, let alone do collaborations with other GMs.

Jowzam's Den - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKQGLB7W_C0Om3G4QtPNA1A

Defenders of Kobold - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCesX9Qcz1g5G5LfIkW3stew

Kahlyl Roberson - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3I2kTgXD2X9U1GVDCYwoYg

OneCritWonder - https://youtube.com/OneCritWonder

The Monday Knights - https://twitter.com/mondayknightsPC

Don't forget you can also leave us feedback or just chat at: [email protected], join us on MeWe at https://mewe.com/group/5c32a406cfccbe2679615963

On Facebook at : https://www.facebook.com/groups/889197001248383/

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