Ryan and Chad deliberate over the various enumerations of editions that permeate the board game landscape. Beyond simple reprints, we chat about re-theming, retooling, re-imagining, and repackaging of games that already existed, and which ones are worth your time and money.

Afterwards we feature a game that has been both rethemed AND repackaged, Shogun - the area control game where attacks are few and far between and battles are resolved with a cube tower. Listen to why this game from 13 years ago is still one of the better area control games out today.

Finally we reflect on some of the games we've played recently, including an epic defeat in Battlestar Galactica, some difficult spirits in Spirit Island, and killing the same lion over and over in Kingdom Death: Monster.

Of Dice and Men is broadcast live on 91.3 FM CJTR, Regina Community Radio - our next broadcast will be March 25th at 8 PM CST.