Ryan, Adam and Chad bring you their first off-the-air podcast episode featuring Diplomacy and Negotiation in board games. Negotiation is listed as a mechanic in board game geek's database, but it's a skill that can permeate almost every game. How does being a good negotiator affect the games you play? Do games that rely on negotiation work for all groups? Will your agreement ultimately end in betrayal? All this and more!

We move on to our feature game, Sheriff of Nottingham. This game has players as merchants attempting to transport and/or smuggle goods to their market stalls for sale all under the watchful eye of the Sheriff, who you can negotiate with, bribe, or otherwise threaten to get your way at the inspection gate. See what Adam and Chad think of this highly-regarded game as we break it down.

We end the show with a few hits of what we've been playing lately, including Dice Forge, Photosynthesis, Dungeons & Dragons, Snow Tails, Jaipur, and Super Motherload, and try out a new segment, "What do you WANT to play?"

Make sure to check our our website, ofdiceandmen.ca, and join our new BGG guild, #3302 (follow the link on our site).

Photo credit: https://boardgamegeek.com/image/2996373/sheriff-nottingham