This is part 2 of 2 interview with The Cyclist Lawyer, Megan Hottman.

In this interview we talk a hint what’s best to do and have in place in the unfortunate case you, or someone you know is struck by a negligent driver. She and her law office were so critical in helping me navigate the mess that happens following. They helped ensure I do my job in focusing on rehabilitation and returning best I can.

Her resources on her website are invaluable to know an learn. I would not take the time and go out of my way to suggest this, if I didn’t know how important this knowledge will be for you. Please set aside time to look further into it. And be the change you want to see out one your roads and in your community. Using Megan as a great example of how that is done.

This first one took place just before Ironman mid November 2018. We spoke about her background, passions, path to connect with law enforcement in Colorado to better educate road users, her advice on being a good cycling advocate in your area, among other things.

She’s got a wealth of knowledge and resources on her website, as well as her other social media platforms.

What we did not talk about at that time, was what do you do if you get hit by a negligent driver. That happened just 5 days after we first spoke. And that is part 2

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Twitter: @cyclist_lawyer

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