Dotsie Bausch

Oh my goodness, this interview is far, far overdue. This was one of the first I had done, and it was over the phone. Shortly after Dotsie and I connected, one of my favorite podcasts to check in on, Rich Rill was able to sit down with her - and in my opinion, have the space and place to hit the points I’d like to - so I’ll link to that below, as it’s just a little deeper on the topics i wanted to dive into, and really well done.

Rich Roll Podcast : ( )

OEM Sessions Apple podcast : (
SoundCloud : (

Since then, I’ve not done any interviews on the phone, as it was apparent to me that the one-on-one is far superior, allowing for the trust and space to open up and share.

That said, recently the movie The Game Changers came out. Where Dotsie is one of the featured athletes/stories. (, Directed by Academy Award winner Louie Psihoyos and executive produced by Oscar winner James Cameron, And quickly became the #1 downloaded film of all time on iTunes.

Wether you tune into the interview I did, or with Rich Roll - you’ll Learn she’s had quite the story and is an incredible inspiration to overcome eating disorders and ultimately attempting suicide. Which has her rock bottom finding the bucycle. Which turns into the outlet to pick her back up. Taking the power from doing so, and moving forward to help others with that experience. We get into her background before cycling and into the Olympics - and where she’s at now, goals for the future-

You can find her TEDx talk here “Olympic Level Compassion” ( ) ,

you can watch the documentary “Personal Gold” about the USA Cycling track team at the 2012 Olympics here ( )

When we spoke, it was late 2017/early 2018 - and we spoke of this campaign “Switch4Good” shortly after the commercial came out featuring six Olympians highlighting performances at the highest level sans diary/animal products ( ) in addition, if you like podcasts- she hosts one under the same title with Alexandra Paul - really sifting through what it is, and takes to be plant based. ( )