Coach Ben Rosario, Hoka Northern Arizona Elite

Today I caught up and talked with Coach Ben Rosario, of Hoka NAZ Elite. All good stuff, in my opinion.

If you’ve been following along with these podcasts, or you’ve found this through Ben's channel - anytime I connect with coaches, health care providers, or elite athletes - I'd like to share their story, but also highlight what they have in place to support them getting and staying at that level.

We dive into that with Coach Ben, and what he’s got set up here in Flagstaff, AZ.

We also going over his background a bit in running, collegiate and professional running, owing and managing a running store (and how he scored the cash to start that up) - promoting and putting on events - and ultimately how he found hisnway to Flagstaff - He's a self starter and quick learner. He also applies what he sees is working and successful, we touch on that as well as what the future goals are and looks like for his athletes.

Also, we had someone - who, let’s say doesn’t have a home and maybe had too much to drink by noon - butt in on our conversation. - I’ve left it in, as I felt re-listening that it’s a great reminder for us to see how lucky we are to have these opportunites to look for that edge in getting ourselves to be the best in competition, or managing and maintingin our health a head of time - for the long haul. and that we should use those opportunities and do good with them.

Enjoy the conversatoin with coach ben rosario of Hoka NAZ Elite and follow Ben and his athlete's journey with the links below:
Twitter: @NAZ_Elite
Instagram: @naz_elite
Twitter: @benrosario1
Instagram: @coachbenrosario1