The Oddjob Pod’s foray into the action movies of the sell-through era continues with Shane Black’s 2005 film, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.

Black’s neo-noir satire and homage acts as a comeback movie
for one of its stars, Robert Downey Junior whose reputation in Hollywood has taken something of a knock for well-documented reasons.

The film is a meta, fourth-wall-breaking action comedy which
received a standing ovation at the Cannes film festival and is celebrated by
film buffs for its stylish presentation. The film is a beautiful blend of light
and dark, contains tremendous chemistry between Downey Junior and his co-star
Val Kilmer and showcases the immaculate Michelle Monaghan as Downey Junior’s lost
love, Harmony.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang also features an openly gay character,
played by Kilmer. We discuss this character and ask how it holds up in 2023.

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