Previous Episode: 29: Ode to Badger

John can’t make a poll, Alison knows the religious forms, and Liz has one more games thing (sorry).

Please email your letters of comment to [email protected] and use #OctothorpeCast or tag @OctothorpeCast when you post about the show on social media.

Letters of comment
Ang Rosin
Chris Garcia
Claire Brialey
Farah Mendlesohn
Ian Snell
Mark Plummer
Pat McMurray
Peter Sullivan

Swancon had to cancel the day before the con due to three-day lockdown (ouch)
DisCon III
They’re changing dates to December!
This has raised questions about the deadline for site selection
These questions were not as academic as they initially seemed

Baen’s bar is back
Toni Weisskopf (former DisCon III Guest of Honour) thinks all the disputed posts are okay (including the ones that are advocating armed insurrection)
Mike Glyer makes a stand

Hugo Awards
Best Video Game
What is a Let’s Play?
Minesweeper: The Movie
Pokémon Detective Pikachu

A FIYAHCON retrospective
FIYAHCON published details about their platforms and costs
FIYAHCON 2021 registration is open, including options to donate memberships
You can donate to the General Fund for running costs, but they have hit their membership donation target
Reclamation 2022 have also implemented donations to allow less able fans to attend, with a recommended amount of £10 (if you can afford it)
DisCon III and Chicon 8 have similar funds; so did Dublin 2019

FIYAHCON also announced Ignyte Award nominees

Music credits
Our theme music is Fanfare for Space by Kevin MacLeod, used under a CC BY 3.0 license.

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