John has cats, Alison has a milkman, and Liz has a gecko.

Please email your letters of comment to [email protected] and use #OctothorpeCast or tag @OctothorpeCast when you post about the show on social media.

Picocon is on 20 February 2021
Programme on Crowdcast
Social space (with games and pub quiz) on Discord
“Picocon 38 celebrates all things robot in Sci-Fi and Fantasy. This year the guests of honour are Jeff Somers, Dan Moren, SJ Kincaid and David Brian Johnson. Games will be starting at 11:00, with the first guest talk scheduled for 2pm.”

Letters of comment
Letters: Bridget Bradshaw; Chris Garcia; Mark Plummer; Claire Brialey; Christina Lake
Tweets: Ang Rosin; DC; Duncan MacGregor
No Gecko Spray
The Weetabix and Beans Tweet

Jane Yolen’s Skylark story

Eastercon have announced they’re using a platform which is neither Discord nor Zoom
The YouTube video/podcast episode in which this was announced
The discussion on JOF about online convention platforms

Music credits
Our theme music is Fanfare for Space by Kevin MacLeod, used under a CC BY 3.0 license
Dun Dun Dun Brass is by Orange Free Sounds, used under a CC BY NC 4.0 license


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