Leopold is the star of today’s show with two Sneak Peeks from the very same street.As we look back on 500 episodes, the community engagement and the ability to deliver timely, relevant information to a wider audience of buyers and sellers has been the biggest takeaway on the journey so far. Value buyers will are in for a treat with a perfectly located Thacker street property subject to a price adjustment. Ideal for Geelong commuters.So find out about:1. SNEAK PEEKS: Two in Leopold2. PRICE CHANGE: Thacker St, Ocean Grove3. OFFERS: Six About to GoProperty of the Week* 15 Kenton Court, Ocean Grove. * https://www.hayden.com.au/15-kenton-court-ocean-grove-3226/5218384/ To get ahead of the action, call or click below.* CALL ON 5255 1000* http://www.haydenoceangrove.com.au Never Miss a Show:* Download SPOTIFY* Search “ocean grove real estate”* Subscribe